Wall Sawing
Wall Sawing is the process of cutting openings in concrete walls using a circular blade on a track mounted machine. Typically used to cut doors, vents and window openings.
Slab sawing is the process of cutting suspended or on grade floors, bridge decking, driveways, structural or elevated slabs, and roof openings.
Typical projects requiring slab sawing include sawing for electrical/plumbing trenches, highway patching, repairing runways and to create stairwells, elevator openings, expansion joints and decorative cuttings.
Slab sawing can also be used for the removal of damaged segments of pavement, as well as in the cleaning and repairing of cracks. They are also used in the segregation of concrete sections designated for demolition.
Depending on your project needs and requirements (i.e. indoor or outdoor work), we can use a electrical or diesel machine to get the job done!
Our trucks are equipped with water tank and generator should your work site not have a water sources or be able to meet the power requirements. If the work area is not accessible by one of our trucks, we would require a 600V, 60A connection within the work space. Our crew will provide a disconnect and step down transformer for an easy, simple connection to building power.
Check out some more service snapshots of the Grizzly team at work.